strategic experience designer

Aga runs a strategic design consultancy UXPlus that has worked with many organizations: from Google, Philips, IKEA and Samsung; banks, insurance companies, ceramics and construction materials manufacturers, to National Parks, governmental organizations and local design centers.
For five years she has collaborated with one of the Polish telecoms: Play bringing it from the last to the first position on the market. She has started by introducing Design Thinking to the marketing department, then to the rest of the organization and finally she co-created CX strategy with the Management Board and the selected employees from the company in a participatory way.
She loves her profession and she tries to convey this passion to everyone, who is interested in becoming experience-centric. Next to it she is developing tools supporting designers in bringing the value of user-centered design to their organizations and also co-host a podcast about the future of creative leadership and the experience design profession. She is a co-host of a podcast about creative leadership: Catching The Next Wave.
Strategic Experience Designer